Monday, April 26, 2010

Secrets On How to Learn Japanese Fast

Learning to speak a new language can open many doors of opportunities for yourself. Choosing to learn Japanese is a wise choice as it is one of the most popular languages spoken today.

But what are some of the tips on how to learn Japanese fast? I will be sharing 2 tips on how you can learn Japanese fast and easily.

First tip is to forget about the grammar. English is grammar-oriented. However, Japanese grammar rules do not matter so much. The fact is that words in Japanese can be said randomly. You just have to ensure that you have the verbs at the end. Amazing, right? You do not have to spend long years to be grammatically correct. That is the biggest benefit to learning Japanese.

To pick up this language fast, your next tip is simple as all you need to do is to learn more and more Japanese words. You might think that you can not get words that easy. Fortunately for you, that is a commonly-held wrong belief because the truth is, you can!

The trick here is to just learn in a different manner unlike in school. Here is how to learn Japanese the fast way.

First, choose a Japanese word. For instance, you have chosen 'sensei'. Associate a Japanese word to that English word so it can be permanently instilled in your mind. Let us put is this way, (sen=saint and sei=say). Keep in mind the association done.

Another example is the word 'ahiru' which is Japanese for duck. You can then associate it with 'a hero' in English. Well, that is the bright way in learning how to speak Japanese, right? Practice a lot once you have learned many Japanese words.

Well, the next technique on how to learn Japanese the fast and easy way is to do the complete immersion method. Lose it or use it that is what others would say. So if going to Japan is not yet possible for you this time, you have to look and meet for some Japanese people. Allow your self always talking with them. You will get constant practice from this.

It is okay to make mistakes while you practice. Constant practice makes perfect, that should be applied on your aim on how to study Japanese. To get your learning off to a good start, check out this package right here.

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