Thursday, April 29, 2010

What Is The Best Way To Study Japanese

When you think about studying Japanese, usually speaking is the first thing that comes to your mind. Of course, you may want to speak that language and be able to understand the Japanese language.
There are certain times when you have experienced being confused when you speak to someone who is conversant in Japanese. This has probably encouraged you to study the language and be able to speak and understand the language.

To have a conversation you have to listen carefully. That is the first thing you need to do to study Japanese.
You can use radio and TV to help you study Japanese. This will support your language skill. Hence you may want to watch Japanese channels than English channels. You will become aware of the real Japanese sounds. You will pick up new words. You will learn more about colloquial words which are not found in books.

Try watching DVDs, too. To help me study Japanese, I particularly listen to the movies I am watching. The subtitles are also effective tools that help me confirm what I am listening.
You can check certain words by rewinding the DVD repeatedly. Through this method, you are exercising your listening skill and thus helping you to study Japanese well.

You can also listen to CDs and MP3s wherever you may be. Course materials should not be a concern for you at this time. Just listen attentively and you will slowly get there. This will help you study Japanese faster though it may seems boring. Now, I can speak Japanese fluently. Although that is not always the case. During my beginner days, I had to listen to CDs continually to pick up Japanese.

Actual conversation with a Japanese will help you study Japanese well. Having a Japanese friend or mentor during your learning process will do wonders as it will give you the time and space to practise as and when you need. The main point is that you have to immerse yourself when you are studying Japanese.

Are you getting the information you need about learning Japanese? If not, you should check out this package specially created for learners like you.

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