Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Learning Japanese? Find Out What Are The Best Japanese Language Software In The Market

Would you like to learn to speak Japanese? Well, there are many courses which you can choose from. Some courses may be better than the others.

In this article, what you are about to read are some of the reviews of the best Japanese language software in the market. As a smart shopper, you should read about these Japanese language software reviews before you get any of such product.

1. Tell me More- The Software for Language Learning
This package comes with the Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced levels. The main selling point of this software is that it has advanced speech recognition. Using the voice graph and pitch curve, you can use the speech recognition ability to improve your pronunciation and intonation. The phonetic exercises and 3D animations that come with it will help facilitate learning the correct pronunciation of the Japanese phonemes. Although the software comes with 300 hours of  content, making it one of the biggest, it it is not appropriate for newbies. This is because its user interface can be perplexing. However, if you would like to check it out, you can probably find one at your local computer store.

2. Rosetta Stone Japanese Software
This is a popular Japanese language software. It is also similar to Tell Me More Japanese language software because it has voice recognition and big amount of content. What I like is that this software gets you to learn the language naturally, by getting you to think, live and breathe the language. Unfortunately, like Tell Me More, Rosetta Stone is on the high side of the market.

3. Rocket Japanese Premium- The Choice For Any Beginner To Japanese
Created by Rocket Languages, this newly launched Learn to Speak Japanese product is winning fans and rave reviews around the world. Like the above mentioned software, Rocket Japanese language software also offers audio lessons, vocabulary builder, listening comprehension exercises and conversation practice. The main selling of this product for me is that it also comes with written exercises, progress tracking and even software games which really boost your learning in a very short time. For those who want to have a holistic experience, this lesson package also comes with valuable cultural notes that complement the lessons really well. You learn what to say, when to say it and how to act in various situations. Without a doubt, I would say that this Japanese language software is one of the best of its kind in the market right now. As the interface in this software is beginner friendly and are likewise affordable, it is highly recommended for complete newbies who are keen to pick up Japanese fast and easily.

Hopefully, the reviews above have given you some ideas of what these products offer. To make the right choice as to which Japanese learning software to go for, you can choose to do more research by reading the product description and feedback from other users. With the power of the Internet, you can easily do that in the comfort of your own home. And if you want, you can even purchase them online easily and get started with your Japanese lessons immediately.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

What Is The Best Way To Study Japanese

When you think about studying Japanese, usually speaking is the first thing that comes to your mind. Of course, you may want to speak that language and be able to understand the Japanese language.
There are certain times when you have experienced being confused when you speak to someone who is conversant in Japanese. This has probably encouraged you to study the language and be able to speak and understand the language.

To have a conversation you have to listen carefully. That is the first thing you need to do to study Japanese.
You can use radio and TV to help you study Japanese. This will support your language skill. Hence you may want to watch Japanese channels than English channels. You will become aware of the real Japanese sounds. You will pick up new words. You will learn more about colloquial words which are not found in books.

Try watching DVDs, too. To help me study Japanese, I particularly listen to the movies I am watching. The subtitles are also effective tools that help me confirm what I am listening.
You can check certain words by rewinding the DVD repeatedly. Through this method, you are exercising your listening skill and thus helping you to study Japanese well.

You can also listen to CDs and MP3s wherever you may be. Course materials should not be a concern for you at this time. Just listen attentively and you will slowly get there. This will help you study Japanese faster though it may seems boring. Now, I can speak Japanese fluently. Although that is not always the case. During my beginner days, I had to listen to CDs continually to pick up Japanese.

Actual conversation with a Japanese will help you study Japanese well. Having a Japanese friend or mentor during your learning process will do wonders as it will give you the time and space to practise as and when you need. The main point is that you have to immerse yourself when you are studying Japanese.

Are you getting the information you need about learning Japanese? If not, you should check out this package specially created for learners like you.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Secrets On How to Learn Japanese Fast

Learning to speak a new language can open many doors of opportunities for yourself. Choosing to learn Japanese is a wise choice as it is one of the most popular languages spoken today.

But what are some of the tips on how to learn Japanese fast? I will be sharing 2 tips on how you can learn Japanese fast and easily.

First tip is to forget about the grammar. English is grammar-oriented. However, Japanese grammar rules do not matter so much. The fact is that words in Japanese can be said randomly. You just have to ensure that you have the verbs at the end. Amazing, right? You do not have to spend long years to be grammatically correct. That is the biggest benefit to learning Japanese.

To pick up this language fast, your next tip is simple as all you need to do is to learn more and more Japanese words. You might think that you can not get words that easy. Fortunately for you, that is a commonly-held wrong belief because the truth is, you can!

The trick here is to just learn in a different manner unlike in school. Here is how to learn Japanese the fast way.

First, choose a Japanese word. For instance, you have chosen 'sensei'. Associate a Japanese word to that English word so it can be permanently instilled in your mind. Let us put is this way, (sen=saint and sei=say). Keep in mind the association done.

Another example is the word 'ahiru' which is Japanese for duck. You can then associate it with 'a hero' in English. Well, that is the bright way in learning how to speak Japanese, right? Practice a lot once you have learned many Japanese words.

Well, the next technique on how to learn Japanese the fast and easy way is to do the complete immersion method. Lose it or use it that is what others would say. So if going to Japan is not yet possible for you this time, you have to look and meet for some Japanese people. Allow your self always talking with them. You will get constant practice from this.

It is okay to make mistakes while you practice. Constant practice makes perfect, that should be applied on your aim on how to study Japanese. To get your learning off to a good start, check out this package right here.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

How to Speak Japanese with Confidence and Style

Learning a different kind of language can simply bring you onto a new horizon. You can understand how others would speak. Through such communication, this will bring to you new opportunities and benefits.

Studying how to speak Japanese is a wise decision as it is one of the most popular languages to learn. The benefits of learning Japanese are many but these can only be achieved if you have learnt the right and proper way on how to speak Japanese language. Of course, it would be helpful if you can already be speaking with confidence and style. By doing so, communicating to Japanese prospects would not be a fuss but a real asset.

A quick tip to learning Japanese is to learn through pictoral learning. Using this method, it can boost your ability to speak Japanese fast. As this is a process where visualizing is being trained. By having your brain work at higher capacity, it will help your brain to retrieve information much more efficiently.

This is because pictures give clues to your mind.  The truth is that if your imagery system is strengthened, you can learn how to speak Japanese faster. At the same time, using such learning approach, your memory is improved and gives you the ability to learn easily. And guess what, your style and confidence in speaking is improved during this process.

Learning style and confidence can be further achieved with the following tips. Develop your visualization, that is the first step on how to speak Japanese stylishly and fluently. By allowing your mind to practice and associate Japanese words to picture you will find that this will develop recall and memory.

The 'category cells' of your brain will group certain concepts that have similar pictures. This is very essential on your aim on how to learn to speak Japanese well.

Your next tip is that streamline vocabularies should be memorized. By simply associating a Japanese word to your own language, it can help provide clues for learning. For example, "sensei" is a Japanese word for teacher. Now, let us socialize the term with an English phrase (sen=saint and sei=say). You can then visualize the word in a more powerful way.

The next thing you want to do is to focus on pronunciations and verbal skills. Learning how to speak Japanese is easily achieved when you use imagery learning. This is done by properly understanding the foundations. For example, 'kanji' is Chinese written characters used by Japanese and 'hirgana' is an old form of Japanese writing.  So if you understand Chinese or is able to perceive the characters as images, you might find it easier to learn.
Hopefully, these tips can get you off in the right direction so that you can speak Japanese with style and confidence. If the thought of learning Japanese make your head spin, then you need this package that will get you started on the right path.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Review Of Rocket Japanese Premium

Hello there! Welcome to my Rocket Language Japanese review site.

You're reading my no-holds-barred review of what I really think about the Rocket Japanese Premium. This isn't the official site...if you're looking for the Rocket Japanese site then click here.

I'll be talking about both the good and the bad in this review, if that's not something you want, then you should leave...

I decided to review this online Japanese language resource because I had seen people rave about it on some of the popular language learning forums.

Here are some of the comments I found...

"Not only are the lessons easy to understand, but affordable. They are set up in a way that is fun and easy to learn. The games are also very helpful in learning certain words and characters."

"The Interactive Audio Course provides clear pronunciations and lessons which are easy to understand and follow.
Moreover, there are wonderful learning games integrated with the program. I am amazed at how much has been included with my purchase... All aspects work together to make learning a pleasant and feasible experience!"

"Being able to go over and over the conversation is great, especially for someone who is 78 years old. Why would someone my age want to learn Japanese? Well, I’ll tell you. My son is living in Japan and teaching English to Japanese businessmen..."

So, I decided to join and get a peek inside the member's area. Joining takes less than 5 minutes and you get instant access, which I like. I don't like having to wait for stuff like DVDs to be shipped to me.

After spending a few minutes going through the course material, I was worried. I was overwhelmed and wasn't sure if I would be able to get through the whole learning package.

Luckily, that wasn't the case...

The site has this Rocket Japanese Learning Lounge, which gives you 24/7 online access to other Rocket Japanese learners. As such I was able to get valuable tips on how to structure my learning and get going with all my course materials, notes and more!

Of course, the Rocket Japanese Learning is not perfect and here are a couple of my complaints...

One complaint is that the software learning game can be very addictive. While it is fun and a great way to help you learn the language, you might end up spending too much time with it and not enough time on the more important features.

Overall, I'm impressed by the Rocket Japanese Learning site. There are a variety of resources to get you started and going in your quest to master the language. Click here to find out more.

YES! I want to claim my free instant access to the Rocket Japanese 6 day Learn Japanese course ($27 value).

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